Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings on the opening of the Third Emil Gilels Moscow Piano Music Festival: Russia-China International Cultural Diplomacy

The message reads, in part:
“As always, the festival programme impresses with
its scale, abundance of engaging and meaningful events, and a large number of participants.
The capital’s largest performance venues, museums, libraries, and children’s
music schools will host concerts, exhibitions, film screenings, and literary
and musical performances dedicated to the life and work of Emil Gilels, a great
and world-famous pianist and teacher, as well as a prominent figure in Russian
culture. It is certainly gratifying that this large-scale creative project has featured
Russian masters on a successful concert tour to the People’s Republic of China.

I am confident that the festival will unite guests
from different countries around the enduring values of spirituality and enlightenment, familiarise them with the recognised grand masters of the piano
school and novice
performers, and promote international cultural and humanitarian
